Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I've Been Reading...

I've been reading a number of books recently about blogs. The most recent is one by Biz Stone, but they all make the point that I should spend more time reading other blogs than I spend composing my own, and that linking to the interesting content I encounter during my reading is how I play my part in the blogosphere.

I'm a teacher (at least in training). It's a minor miracle that I'm finding the time to blog, much less read other's blogs. Most of the blogs I link to on the left were recommended by Will Richardson, who's also listed to the left. But do I read them? Alas, rarely. What that means is that this blog features, in descending order of space, my thoughts about teaching, my recent experience, the (random) wonders I encounter on line.

But, here's a thought. If you're a fellow teacher and find your way here, comment with a link to one web site you love. I'll promise to check it out and pass on the word if I love it too.

Listen to this article

Listen to this article

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