Monday, July 9, 2007

53 and counting

A fellow student and teacher recently commended my energy level, hoping it was catching. As a 53-year old who finds himself ready to nod off nightly around 10, I don't take that energy for granted. In contemplating where it came from, I can only blame my decision almost one year ago to change my life, leaving the corporate rat race behind and throwing myself into first learning, then practicing the art and craft of teaching. I wake up most mornings raring to go, ready to continue my apprenticeship in the art and hone my craft.

At this blog, I generally have teachers as visitors. Maybe you're about my age, and wondering where to derive your own energy from. Please don't follow my path and change careers; if you're interested enough in teaching to find yourself here, the profession needs you. But try to find something radically new within the profession and begin your journey from apprenticeship to mastery. It may be technology, like blogging. It may be new takes on pedagogy (I'm seeking to learn more about combining Carol Ann Tomlinson's Differentiated Instruction and Jay McTighe's Understanding By Design). Find a new enthusiasm and let it work its magic.

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