Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Guilty Pleasures (Part Two)

Blogging daily, which I've set for myself as a challenge this week, means you need an idea worth sharing and the time to polish a prose piece to express it. If your blog focuses primarily on one topic (in my case it's teaching), it's hard to always find the idea; if you're a teacher, it's hard to find the time.

Thus, I take a guilty pleasure in the fact that I've got any number of reflections stored safely on my hard drive, many of which with a little dusting off can provide a daily comment. Newspaper columnists should have it so lucky. Because I'm still in my pre-service, "get that master's degree" phase of my career arc, I'm especially blessed with a solid backlog of observations. I know some of you reading this post are contemplating blogging yourself, but may have heard that you should post with regularity, and are concerned about the pace. First of all, blog whenever you want. This is for you, not for humankind (although if a slice of humankind checks in, so much the better). Second of all, don't forget that backlog. Chances are you've got your own storehouse of written reflections that can fill the gap when the urge to blog is there but the time/topic isn't. I plan to be otherwise busy tomorrow, so I'm ready to raid that storehouse!

Listen to this article

Listen to this article

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