Previously, I’ve taken two stabs at joining the blogerati. For me, what breaks the ice is an authentic assignment, and this week, such an assignment has dropped into my lap. I am commissioned along with two classmates in
Welcome, anyone whose search for intelligent chatter concerning blogs and wikis in education may have taken them here. You are free to join my Lesley friends in pondering this question:
Bernie Dodge's WebQuest site, in talking about blogs and wikis says, "{Blogs and wikis] have a lot of potential, but to make sense as teaching tools we need to embed them in some kind of larger pedagogical structure." As a teacher, can you propose an example of such a structure with blogs and/or wikis embedded? Have you taught or could you project teaching a specific lesson or unit with a blog or wiki as a component? Please provide a brief summary of such a lesson. You can refer to the WebQuest Design Pattern hyperlink for ideas, but be original with your suggested lesson. On the other hand, if after learning about blogs and wikis you would choose not to include them in your pedagogy, please indicate why.
For you Lesleyites who are compelled to be here, please take the opportunity to comment on this question, as well as any other blog/wiki related riff that strikes your fancy. Your comments are anticipated on Tuesday/Wednesday, July 10-11.
Before you answer, you may want to check the following. Due to the viral nature of the Internet, you may very well have experienced this already. If not, enjoy “Shift Happens” and continue downplaying the Internet at your peril.
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