Friday, May 22, 2009

Chapter 1 - Responding to Power

Buck's various efforts to fight back with his captors end up causing him only more pain. After the man in the red sweater thrashes him brutally with a club, Buck "was beaten...but he was not broken." How would you describe Buck's strategy for coping with this terrible situation? Can you give an example of a time when you had to deal with someone more powerful than yourself?


  1. I think Buck's strategy is to submit to a more powerful foe, until the foe is not as powerful and then Buck will retaliate.

  2. I think that Buck always thinks he is greater than anyone enemies or friends, and he thinks that he can do anything. Here he realizes he isnt the strongest and the man in the red sweater is stronger. So Buck learned a lesson.

  3. I think Buck knows he is not the strongenst. He has just grown up in a place that gives him a sense of nobility.
