Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Chapter 3 - Buck Stirs Up Trouble

Despite Buck's pride in his work with the sled dog team, he begins to cause trouble with the team, including starting fights and causing the sled to become tangled. Why does Buck cause this mischief, despite his pride in his work? Do you admire this troublemaking of Buck's? Why or why not?


  1. I think that Buck causes fights because he wants to become the leader of the team and I respect that.

  2. I think Buck starts these fights because he wants to take leadership of the team but also because he dislikes Spitz.

  3. I think that he started all these fights because he is tired of getting bullied by other dogs and he wants to prove that he is just as strong as them.

  4. i think buck wants to prove that he a strong dog and that he wants to be a leader

  5. Buck only causes trouble because he wants to be the leader of the pack. He has worked hard and not made any trouble, so now he feels this is his time to become the head of the pack. He knows how tot run the pack and he wants to show how good of a dog he is. I understand how bucks wants power and I respect that . But i feel he should have just worked hard and let the humans appoint him to be the leader.

  6. I think he's doing it to command respect from everyone else. All this time, some have been laughing at him because he's a Southern dog, and all Buck wants is for others to respect him, and like him. I respect him, because he wants to show everyone who he really is.

  7. Do you think that all your positive comments about Buck's actions are because he's the hero of the story and it's typical for the hero to be a positive character? Could you imagine how this story (and your feelings) might change if told from the perspective of one of the other dogs?

  8. I think Buck was stirring up trouble for a few reasons. First of all, he wants to show that he is capable of being in charge. He was also the head dog back at the Judge's house. It's only his nature to crave the spotlight. In addition, he wants to annoy Spitz in particular. All in all, I dont respect Buck's troublemaking, because as a sled dog now, it is his respobsibility to help the team as a whole, not disturb it.

  9. i think buck is trying to show he is the dominent dog and he desserves respect. buck is telling eveybody not to mess with him. he is also showing he can be a leader.

  10. i think that spitz started the fight. Buck is just standing up for himself and showing that he will not be pushed around. spitz sees this and recognizes it as a threat and therefore tries even harder to discipline buck. buck responds, and thus the fight escalates. after a while buck got fed up with it and started to start things himself. this was reasonable of buck. also, spitz was being mean to all the dogs, not just buck. buck is standing up to and stopping the bully.

  11. In Chapter Three, The Dominant Primordial Beast, I think Buck begins to cause trouble because he wat to show that he can be a leader. I think h feels that he is being overshaddowed by the other dogs, even though the people who run the camp notice what a fantastic dog and quick learner Buck is. I respect what Buck was trying to do, but I do not respect the way he went about it. If he was destined to be a leader of these dogs it would have just come to him, rather than forcing it upon himself.

  12. Buck is a hard working good mannered obedient dog. I believe that dogs always want to be the leader. Other dogs on the team may have wanted to be the leader too but they're personality wasn't spirited and strong enough to push them forward. I think as Buck growing up he was the dog that everyone saw and strong and wise and brave and those are the qualities of a leader. I believe this may have gone to his head and he may have not been able to assume any other position besides the leader. As time moved on Buck felt better and better about himself and his abilities and as Spitz was egging him on and asking for it now and again Buck as a dog, felt that there was no other way to respond. i feel the fights Buck cause are a mere reaction as a dog to the combination of things going on. I don't think there can be reasons for why Buck starts fights but just the nature of a dog like Buck. I don't respect or disrespect Buck's action I just think it's the way Jack London wanted Buck's character to be like and that that's just how dogs with the attitude like Buck behave.

  13. Dogs are meant to be bossed around. They are suppose to listen and work hard. In this case Spitz and Buck are fighting for work. Both want to work hardest, and both want to prove to the others and each other they are leader. I was surprised to learn that Buck finally beat Spitz once and for all. They put up a good fight but as they say, may the best man (or dog) win. Thus, Buck did.

  14. In the beginning, all of the dogs were fighting and Buck didn't because he didn't understand why you should. Now he's getting used to being a dog sled puller and is fighting for his leadership. Before he might have been too embarrasesd to do that.

  15. i really disagree with the last sentence of Eliana's post. if you want to get some thing you have to work for it. you can't expect that every thing you want will just come to you. the more you work for something the more you'll get out of it.

  16. I think that Buck thought he was the leader of the pack already. He seems to be thinking that if you are strong you should use force. This was the mindset that started WW1. Since in the book it seems to indicate that Spitz was older than Buck I think Buck should wait until Spitz was old.

  17. i think buck has realized that other dogs dont think he is strong enough to be a leader, so he starts to defend himself against spitz by fighting back. i think that spitz is going to start relizing that buck has enough self confidence and cabability to be the leader.

  18. Your various comments about Buck asserting himself to take over a leadership role brings to mind Napoleon in "Animal Farm", a character whose head we spend no time in. If you think that Buck was right to aggressively grab for the role of leader, do you equally agree that Napoleon was right?

  19. First of all i think the reason buck does those things like fight with splitz and cause mischief is not only that he wants to have power and be a leader but also that he wantsto be noticed. think about it as if buck were human. and he were working at a regular place. there are many other people working there. you dont nessecarilly like all those people but that doesnt really matter. either way you never want to be the forgotten one that no one remembers, you want your boss (in this case bucks owner)to notice you and all the hard work your doing so you can get promotted. same with buck he wants to becomethe leader of the pact so he has to get his owners to notice him. this is how we see buck wanting leadership and to be noticed are connected. we also see buck has a problem since the beginning of the book splitz has been in charge and buck doesnt like that. which causes him to kill spitz.
