Friday, May 22, 2009

Striking it Rich

In The Call of the Wild, we're learning that what with cold, snow, and ice, searching for gold in Alaska is tough work. What would you be willing to do just for the remote chance of suddenly striking it rich?


  1. personally, I don't think I would have risked freezing to death to get gold. It's very unlikly that I would actually find gold. I would probably
    just get bad a sickiness from the cold.

  2. i agree. it would be stupid to go to a very dangerous place just for the small chance that i would find gold. personally i hate the cold and it wouldn't be worth the risk.

  3. i agree with both danielle and chloe. its a very stuipid idea t risk your life for gold becuase if you freeze upand die then you will not be able to enjoy the gold. and you did all that for nothing.
