Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Bookless Library!?!

Now that you have had the chance to read about (with pleasure? with horror?) Cushing Academy's vision of the bookless library, what do you think? There's a term for people who resist the coming technology tide, and it's generally not meant as a compliment: Luddites. Does Cushing have it right? Is this indeed the way to engage students in reading? Is Cushing totally off base? Or, as many students suggested when asked, is there a compromise path that would be best?

1 comment:

  1. Is this the way to engage students in reading?Maybe, maybe not. I think only time will tell. I agree that the experience of holding a book and being immersed in it are very different from reading on a screen. Nonetheless, I've heard parents say that their children are attempting to read books on The Kindle reader, that they would never have picked up off a shelf, because they would have been intimidated by the books' length.It is certainly hard to imagine a world without books.
    Mrs. N
