Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Outsiders - Chapter 2

In Chapter 2, Ponyboy says, "You take up for your buddies, no matter what they do. When you're a gang, you stick up for the members." Do you agree with this philosophy? Why or why not? From what we know of Ponyboy's gang, should he stick up for their behavior?


  1. I agree that it's important to stick up for your friends, however sometimes sticking with your "gang" will cause you to make bad decisions. In this case that could cause being jailed or getting beat up, or even death. However, in Ponyboy's case, he doesn't have much of a choice. He has no mother or father, and his "brothers" are part of the Greasers. In Ponyboy's case this is what everyone does, and peer-pressure is hard to ignore. If I were in the Greasers, I would stick with the gang but I would try to apply common sense, unfortunately peer-pressure is VERY powerful. If Ponyboy did not stick with the Greasers he would probably get beat up even more, in his case it's a life or death situation.

  2. Hey Mr.Fidler!
    So, I thought long and hard about this question. I think no matter what, friends should really stick together, and be loyal and truthful. It's because thats what friendship is, being loyal, and truthful. You can't backstab your friend. So, Ponyboy didn't want to backstab Dally to Cherry and Marcia. Friends are so important, their almost like family. We even have proof here about Johnny. His father abuses him in the story and he probably would of ran away by now, but he doesn't want to leave the Greasers because they are like family to him. It's always important to be loyal to a friend, but in a dangerous situation, even though you might feel like your doing the wrong thing, you have to tell someone if your friend did something wrong. I have an experience where there was a group of friends and one of them did something really bad, but all the friends didn't tell their boss, but the boss found out and fired all of them because they were being to loyal. Thats why sometimes it's bad to be too loyal to your friends, but 99.5 precent of the time you should always be loyal to friends. That's why I think what Ponyboy said is almost always true.
    See you tomorrow!
