Thursday, December 11, 2008

Animal Farm - Chapter 6

Early in Chapter 6, George Orwell writes
" August, Napoleon announced that there would be work on Sunday afternoons as well. This work was strictly voluntary, but any animal who absented himself from it would have his rations reduced by half"

What do you think as you read this passage? Can you tell us about any time in your life that you were offered a choice, but no matter what you picked, you felt that nothing good would be the result?

Make sure if you comment, that you sign the comment with your first name and the first letter of your last name only!


  1. I'm hoping that we can get some healthy conversation going here! Spend a minute or two. Surely you've had some time in your life that you were offered a choice and each choice was a miserable alternative?

  2. i think from this time on, the animals really start to realize how evil Napolean is. I dont think that any animal would reduce their rations for working, but a lot of humans would probably rather laze around and get less food. I once had a choice weather to miss break time and hang out having to do the work later, or work on the project and not have to work on it later. I chose to work during break

  3. i disagree with the question. in my opinion the animals did not have a choice. it was more like the work was mandatory and the punishment for not working was half rations. Nepolean is tricking the animals into thinking that he is being kind and making work on sunday an option for those who want to work (like Boxer). he is also embarrassing all who do not work by publicly giving them half rations.
