Genre and Animal Farm
In class, your group discussed what genre Animal Farm might be. Most of you came down on the side of fantasy, feeling that having talking animals in the novel made it a fantasy. Since that discussion, you have learned more about what George Orwell was trying to communicate about history, particularly that of the Russian Revolution.
On your four-page Animal Farm handout, please refer to page 2, "Glossary of Literary Terms", which discusses these genres: allegory, didactic literature, fable, fairy tale, parable, propaganda, and satire. Now, what genre would you say Animal Farm is? Does it fit in more than one genre? Can you make a case for still calling it a fantasy?
On your four-page Animal Farm handout, please refer to page 2, "Glossary of Literary Terms", which discusses these genres: allegory, didactic literature, fable, fairy tale, parable, propaganda, and satire. Now, what genre would you say Animal Farm is? Does it fit in more than one genre? Can you make a case for still calling it a fantasy?